Minecraft Inventory Slot Bug Average ratng: 5,8/10 4275 reviews

Minecraft Inventory Slot
I’m attempting to create a 9x3 inventory system, based on slots. The issue is that I can’t seem to figure out what way would be best to structure this, as going back and changing it later on may be an extreme hassle that I’d like to avoid if possible. I’ve thought about using metatables, but I don’t truly understand them and they don’t seem like the right thing to do in this. Bug Description: Backpacks (every type or color) don't have any available slot for storage, and when pressing SHIFT above the backpack in order to see its information, it says 0/0 slots used.
Minecraft Inventory Slot Bug Zapper
Minecraft for Windows 10, Xbox One, and mobile just got updated to fix some pretty serious bugs. It appears that players previously had an issue where after updating to 1.5.0, they could have lost their item inventories and character progress. This has since been rectified.
You can read the full changelog for update 1.5.3 below.
Missing Inventories after Updating to 1.5.0:
Some players may have lost their item inventories and character progress after updating to 1.5.0. To recover inventory from a player that was lost, you will need to:
- Have had a Microsoft account or Nintendo account tied to that player when you last saw the player with its previous inventory. Without this, your data cannot be recovered
- Do not uninstall/reinstall the game on the machine you last saw your old inventory on – this will destroy the cached data needed to recover your lost inventory. Merely updating the game should be fine
- Log in to the same server, which has been upgraded to 1.5.3, from the same machine you last saw your old player/inventory on
- Be in an area which allows for chests to safely spawn. If you aren’t, the game should inform you, and try again the next time you log in
Without the Microsoft account or Nintendo account and the same device with the original data, the data cannot be recovered.
Other Fixes:
- Xbox One worlds that were not appearing after updating to 1.5 will once again appear on the Worlds screen (MCPE-35364)
- Fixed several crashes that occurred during gameplay
- Fixed a crash that could occur for the host when another player leaves the game
- Fixed a crash that could occur when joining a world that was converted from Xbox One Edition
- Fixed a crash that occurred when placing renamed items in an Anvil’s output slot
- Fixed an exploit that allowed custom skins with custom and invisible geometry, causing unfair advantages in multiplayer sessions
Minecraft Inventory Slot Bug Zappers

Minecraft Inventory Bug
Via: Plaffo